DMCA and Copyright Notice

At TeeKhan, we respect the intellectual property rights of others. We actively work to ensure that the designs available on our website do not infringe on any existing copyrights.

Reporting Copyright Infringement

If you believe a design on our website infringes on a copyright you own, please promptly notify us. To submit a copyright infringement claim, please provide the following information to either of the contact methods listed below:

  • Your Contact Information: Please provide your name, address, phone number, and email.
  • Work identification: Clearly identify the copyrighted work you believe to be infringed, including registration information if available.
  • Infringing Design Location: Provide the exact location (URL) of the allegedly infringing design on our website.
  • Infringement Explanation: Briefly describe how the design on our site infringes on your copyright.
  • Statement of Rights: Include a statement that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on their behalf.
  • Good Faith Statement: Affirm that you believe in good faith that the design’s use on our website is not authorized by the law or the copyright owner.
  • Accuracy Statement: State that the information you provide is accurate and that you are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.
  • Signature: Provide your physical or electronic signature.

Upon receipt of your claim, we will promptly investigate and take appropriate actions, which may include removing the design in question.

Contact Information

  • Email:
  • WhatsApp: +1 510 3701808

Important Note: Please only submit legitimate copyright infringement claims.

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